This Android Phone is 0pretty standard when compared to other similar smartphone. It comes with 2 GB of RAM and a Android 4.2 MTK6589T Dual Core processor. There is also an 8-megapixel camera. The internal hard drive is 16GB, which is larger than most standard smartphone specs. While the hardware is standard, there is one thing people are making a big deal about: the processor. The dual core processor is showing to be one of the strongest and best processors out there. It moves faster than most other processors, and it enables the jiayu g2 mobile phone to quickly load apps and go between menus. If there is one problem people have with the hardware, it’s how hard it can be to reach some of the pieces. The SIM card and battery are deep in the phone, so you practically have to take it apart to reach these areas.
On the other hand, the new phone can providing you a battery life of more than seven as well as a half hours is worth contemplating. Some of the finest android phones provides you with greater than nine along with a half hours of battery life on normal use, because its charge is a lithium -ion battery. So you needn’t worry about the charge will run out in a short time.
Beside those, it also support for WAP browser, hand-writing, multilingual. Its good quality is praised by majority of the users. Use the lowest price to buy the best Jiayu g3 mobile phone, is your best choice.