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What is Efusjon ? Why do you see so much Hype ?as an MLM to re-sell the product. They have gained a mass amount of exposure in a quick period of time. internet today with a system that was designed exclusively for them. Like most Some are thinking this in the next best thing to sliced bread. This system was introduced and can also drive people nuts.. Not that there system is set up bad or is a bad system in general. People just have gone on to execute it in the spammy type way. They also have an application for facebook which is good for some and not so good for others . By all means it can be good if done in the proper way.Bottom line your asking yourself is Efusjon a good opportunity or not? Or is all you see about this company a bunch of hype . I will get to this thought in a minute .First off Efusjon was started in January of 2009 co-founded by Robert Towles , R.S. Edwards, Marc Sharp, and Kenny Gilmore. There flagship or main product you will run into or see is the RAW 'health' energy drink and the Edge energy drinks. Both of which contain Acai berry juice along with other ingredients. Acai berry are world renowned now for there ability to reduce free-radicals in your body as well as for the anti-oxidant power that they posses. Although you have to almost question whether or not they can have such good qualities and health benefits once they get processed and put into a can.On the back-end of the company they also offer a business opportunity for people They do have a recommended starting point in there company which is you start with $120 auto-ship order. That entails getting you listed as a business builder , with a replicated website and 4 12-packs of the different energy drinks that they offer.grew so fast. Actually being one of the fastest growing in the MLM industry and a lot of people claim it was the fastest. Which is not a true statement if you do your research they were most definitely in Which is also good. So is Efusjon a Scam ?Well it's not as simple as calling them a scam. They are not a scam so cross that The Efusjon Energy Club meets all the FTC guidelines. This is the organization that regulates whether by a certain set of standards if the company is a legit or not. Efusjon meets all these standards and also the international standards as well.So they are a legit home based business.They have a very unique compensation plan. They call it the 'The community overlap matrix'. What makes this so unique is that it not only rewards you for your own efforts and those of your personal team. It also rewards you for the efforts of people who aren't part or your organization. There is no simple way to put this plan it is basically the forced 3x15 compensation plan . As i said before you get the 4.25% on all the people in your personal team that were directly referred to you . You also get 1.25% on all the distributors through what they call 'The Overlap Matrix' or simply put one of your personal team members.Should You Join Efusjon?Very difficult as to why this isn't considered more of a pyramid comp plan The common way to look at it is get 3 people to get 3 people to get 3 people . You get the idea here . and friends. And for most of us that is not a way to build a business . Many people for years tried this strategy figuring out that selling to friends and family is truly a good way to piss them off .They like to use techniques that build a lot of frustrations and deceit.1. This comp plan is well known and it is almost a straight out myth of how it works . There are a lot of the aspects they have that are very worthy like the community overlap. You will never get to where you want to be by only signing up 3 people unless true luck is on your side .Just to make a fair statement here. And unless you have luck going for you in such a way that this system can work for you . and to be quite honest if your that lucky why bother with MLM go play the lottery .2. They have a product that you can buy on just about every corner store . I have personally never tasted it but there are a lot of people that swear by it . This might be because they have the money invested into it but i have heard it also tastes like crap . Not to be demeaning here at all . Every one of the companies out there with products like that think or claim they taste so good its like apple juice i would too if i was selling products like that . There are other companies out there selling the same type product. Which makes it not light bulbs such a stand alone product and usually makes it much harder to sell anything that way3. The one big question you have to ask yourself before getting involved in an Efusjon ? Do you know enough people to be able to sell them something like this ? Would you buy this product if you werent going to make money ? Specially at the prices they are asking for it ? So if your honest and happy with buying an overpriced product on a $120 monthly auto-ship without ever earning a dime from it . Be my guest have at it don't let me stop you.Few Last words!what you have going. Just be sure to understand that if your not making ends meet. a bad company.Efusjon is by no means a Bad company it is actually a very good company .With If you have read this far into my review of the company and are wondering ? Find what what makes you comfortable there are many great MLM companies. Possibly one that may suit you better. I wish all of you the best of luck in whatever MLM you choose . Even if you do choose to go with Efusjon.To tell you the honest truth and if you are tired of all the empty promises. Sick of all the hype you see and would truly like to learn real market building strategie.And not take the tough slow road of trying to build it without good training Nail Sticker . The right training can take your company Efusjon or otherwise. These strategies will simply blow you out of the water and begin building endless traffic.

